Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Audy!

Today is the day! Autumn, my daughter, turns 11! Wow! She is a young lady now..not my little baby girl anymore. ( WAAAAAAAAAAAA) Yes I am sad, sure I am worried, but I know she has to grow up..I just wish she would slow down a bit. She now has a boyfriend. WHAT? They talk on the phone and at school but that is about it. ( For now and a LOOOOOOOONG time I hope) We are having her a "camping" birthday party this weekend. (Watch for upcoming pictures). I think I am more excited about it then she is. Shawn asked why we went all out for our kids birthdays? Well, I want them to remember them..all of them, not just the sweet 16th! Speaking of "sweet 16", Devin is next! His birthdays is in October. He is now driving with a permit! Warning: If you live in East Tennessee, and you see a purple jeep coming your way, pull to the side! He likes to "clean out the ditches!" LOL.
I have been stitching. I am working on "At Gandmother's House".(Pictures coming soon). I think I am going to change the saying to "At Grandparents House" After all, it was both my Grandmother's and Grandfather's home. It is a chart of a 2 story house with lots of trees around it. My home used to be a 2 story until it burnt to the ground in 1990. I think back to that old farm house today. I am grateful for what I have though. We may not always be fortunate enough to have cable, internet, or someday even electricity but we will always have a roof over our head. That is more than some people can say. I am very thankful and grateful. I have been posting some on the 123 message board. Not very often though. I find that I am more of a lurker now. I also post on the Stitcher's Haven 2. I check it daily and feel very fortunate to be a part of the "crew." (Thanks Shannon for letting me
I would also like that thank Natasha for the great surprise package she sent me! Thanks Natasha!
Also ,Patti, Thank You for the mill hill beads and charms! You are too kind! I have such great friends! I am truely blessed to share such a wonderful art with such a wonderful bunch of ladies! Hugs to you all!
Til next time,

1 comment:

Natasha said...

WooooHoooo I am very excited to see that you have a new post up :)

You are very welcome for the charts. Anything to get a felolow stitcher back at the needle. I agree, I love it over at Stitchers2It is a very small group who are all very caring. I am glad to be a part of it as well.

I hope you DD has a wonderful birthday. I do not have any kids yet but I have about 10 nieces and nephews and the oldest just turned 20 and had his own baby. YIKES!

Take Care

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