Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hmmm I wonder

Why my pic cant not be uploaded from photobucket? Hmm...
Maybe when I have more time I can figure it out.
I have been doing laundry today and I took my friend Sherry some stitching things that I didn't feel like I would use. Im now watching Dr. Phil, stitching, and relaxing before I have to go off to work. I got on the scale a minute ago and discovered that I have lost 6 pounds! I know that doesn't seem like a lot but I was stuck since my hysterectomy and had not lost any more. I havent even been really dieting. If only I could bring myself to drink diet coke instead of regular. The last time I drank diet was after Gran died. I drank nothing but diet for about 3 months or so and lost 20 lbs! I guess I need to go back to diet dew or diet pepsi. Those are the only diet drinks that I like. Sigh...
I've been cleaning out my room and I'm going to clean out the kids tomorrow. We are going to have a yard sale in a few weeks and that money will go towards our vacation. I think I'll ut my stitching stuff online though...not many people here stitch so hopefully I can get some money that way. Pray that we do well. The money will be our spending money.
Well...I best go check the laundry so I can get ready for work. If I didn't spend so much time online maybe I could get more stitching done! LOL

God Bless and keep you.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

New Wip

I have a new WIP. It's called A Happy Home Sampler. It's in the July issue of "Cross Stitch and Needle Work." So far it has been a quick and easy stitch. I picked the magazine up at Hasting's last week when I took Devin by there to get a CD.

Today I went to Wal Mart and guess what I got? Yep! Batteries! I know, I know! I've been promising for a while now but just remembered them today! So there is a picture here of my WIP. I hope to post an update each week. Let's see how long this takes me to complete!

Autumn has become a captain of the jam skating team. She loves to skate. She is very good at it. Devin can skate too when he goes. I think he is more into "his girlfriend" then he is skating or anything else rght now. I guess he is at that age.

Shawn has been working ALOT and is taking tomorrow to fish with his cousin. It will be good for him to go do that. He hasn't went in a while. Im gong to stay home and stitch /clean house! YUCK! It seems like I just did that the other day! HMMM!

As I promised, here is the picture of my WIP. Hope you enjoy watching my progress.

Til next time...

Happy Stitching!


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Oh How I Miss HER

I miss HER so much. I didn't really realise just how much I did miss HER until last night when Shawn and I were laying in bed chatting. ( We do that alot just so we aren't interupted and we can talk about inportant things that we don't feel the kids need to hear.) He patted my hand which I had lieing on his chest. I bursted out into tears and he was beside himself trying to figure out what was wrong with me? Well, when he patted me I had this overwhelming sadness because my Gran used to do that when I would lay my hand on HER forehead or on HER wrist to take her pulse. SHE would pat me. (K^%d7f5 d <------) Kitty wrote that! (and these M's---)




Ok...so I think we all know that I miss my Gran. Pink was her favorite color so Im writing this post in pink.

I have been stitching lately on My Grandmother's House. The house is almost complete. It is very pretty so far. I really must charge my batteries so I can get some pictures posted!
Tomorrow, I have to work with Shawn and then with Janice at the cleaning company...WOW! I will be beat! I have to do that all next week too because the other girl is going on vacation..SIGH...When's my vacation?

O well...life goes on..

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