Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hmmm I wonder

Why my pic cant not be uploaded from photobucket? Hmm...
Maybe when I have more time I can figure it out.
I have been doing laundry today and I took my friend Sherry some stitching things that I didn't feel like I would use. Im now watching Dr. Phil, stitching, and relaxing before I have to go off to work. I got on the scale a minute ago and discovered that I have lost 6 pounds! I know that doesn't seem like a lot but I was stuck since my hysterectomy and had not lost any more. I havent even been really dieting. If only I could bring myself to drink diet coke instead of regular. The last time I drank diet was after Gran died. I drank nothing but diet for about 3 months or so and lost 20 lbs! I guess I need to go back to diet dew or diet pepsi. Those are the only diet drinks that I like. Sigh...
I've been cleaning out my room and I'm going to clean out the kids tomorrow. We are going to have a yard sale in a few weeks and that money will go towards our vacation. I think I'll ut my stitching stuff online though...not many people here stitch so hopefully I can get some money that way. Pray that we do well. The money will be our spending money.
Well...I best go check the laundry so I can get ready for work. If I didn't spend so much time online maybe I could get more stitching done! LOL

God Bless and keep you.

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